Monday, August 22, 2005

Out of time

I sit by a window and stare through its glass. At the flora dancing to a zephyr’s song. At the movement of a populus, aptly named tremuloides. At its shimmering discs, which spin me through memory and wish fulfilment to the gentlest places imaginable, where no sense of time prevails save the distant beating of my heart.

Friday, August 19, 2005

TOOTE C21 (3)

In my dreams I timetravel continuously. In wakeful life we're advised neither to live too much in the future, nor dwell too much on the past, which misses the point. Both realities, dream and wakeful life, are subjective. I prefer the freedom of the former to the static of the latter.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

TOOTE C21 (2)

Time is so inextricably linked with achievement now that any attempt to ignore its passing seems to focus us on our own mortality.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Thinking out of the early C21

Time is measurement. Take away the measuring tool and its behaviour becomes subject to your state of mind, your senses and your perspective.